Errol Spence Jr vs Lamont Peterson Pre-Fight Analysis

Spence vs Peterson

To kick off 2018 in the welterweight division we have a fight of two contrasting styles. Errol “The Truth” Spence vs Lamont Peterson will be a fight where one will be a boxer and the other will play the stalker. In this article we will discuss how this fight could play out.

Peterson, the challenger, will have to use a lot of movement and be conscious of the heavy body puncher that Spence is. He can’t afford to be a late starter in this fight. It is very important that Peterson doesn’t allow Spence to get into a comfortable rhythm. In other words he will have to be first.

Even though Peterson can be a dog in the ring, Spence is simply a much bigger dog. Peterson will need to resist the temptation of fighting on the inside. It is imperative he uses all his experience and boxing knowledge in order to have success. Peterson will need to be more of a boxer instead of a straight forward brawler.


When it comes to Spence what is there say other than he leaves destruction and bodies in his path. Peterson however is a big test. The reason we say this is because unlike previous opponents Peterson isn’t considered damage goods.

Spence will try to impose his will, like he has done with so many other opponents. Spence has to utilize footwork along with his phenomenal ability to cut off the ring while remaining aggressive. Spence will have to make this an inside phone booth type of fight meaning he needs to keep Peterson on his back foot.


It’s a showdown between a new hungry champion looking to claim his place at the top of the division and a very solid seasoned fighter looking to prove he’s not done. There will be fireworks in Brooklyn that night to kick off the new year and maybe start to bring more clarity to the welterweight division.

By: Garrisson “Bo” Bland & Wilson Urena 

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