Sebastian Fundora vs Donnie Marshall
At super welterweight, we have the 6’7” Sebastian Fundora (11-0, 7KOs) vs Donnie Marshall (10-0, 6KOs). The novelty of this fight was Sebastian Fundora’s 6’7” freakish height for a junior middleweight.
At age twenty one, he’s an intriguing prospect. Donnie Marshall, at thirty years old, needs this fight to avoid gatekeeper status.
To open the fight, Fundora starts fast; throwing a constant barrage of hooks and uppercuts. His height and southpaw style visibly have Marshall off balance.
Donnie Marshall adjusted his strategy early on and abandoned trying to stay on the outside, instead opting to fight in the pocket. This allowed Marshall to land some sharp counters, but the volume of Fundora was way too much.
The fight would remain this way through three rounds, until Fundora would land a left uppercut flooring Marshall. Marshall would beat the count, but the 6’7” brawler would only up the ante and force the stoppage.
In conclusion, Sebastian Fundora, at only age twenty one, showed his tremendous potential. With a style that’s a mixture of Antonio Margarito and Kermit Cintron, he’s definitely entertaining.
As for now, there’s still plenty for him to work on and has a little ways to go before challenging the top ten of the division.
As for Marshall, this step up was a bit too much and he’ll need to go back to drawing board and evaluate his future.
By: Corey Cunningham
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