Brandon Moore Wins WWE-Style Tussle With Skylar Lacy By DQ!

Brandon Moore vs Skylar Lacy Fight Recap

Brandon Moore vs Skylar Lacy ends in a disqualification
Skylar Lacy disqualified in bout with Brandon Moore

Brandon Moore and Skylar Lacy Sprawl Out of the Ring!

After eight rounds of utterly painful “action”, Brandon Moore (17-1, 10 KO’s) claimed a disqualification victory over a very touchy-feely Skylar Lacy (8-1-2, 6 KO’s). From the very start, the bout far more resembled a Dirty Dancing montage than it did a heavyweight fight. This is due to the near constant clenching, holding, bear hugging, belly rubbing and general wrestling.

The crowd at hand booed the farce with passion. The clutching and squeezing, nearly exclusively perpetrated by Lacy, grew so bad that by round six referee Steve Willis repeatedly yelled, ‘don’t hold!’, even while the fighters were still at range. By the eighth round, Skylar had been deducted three points for holding.

When the spectacle attempted to look like a boxing match, Moore cracked Lacy in the mouth and belly with an ample supply of sturdy, hurtful punches. Those shots caused the reflexive holding pattern. Oftentimes after gobbling Moore up in his arms, Lacy would lean him on the ropes.

In the eighth, when he attempted this again, the two went flying through the ropes. Moore landed on his back with Lacy on top of him. In true WWE fashion, referee Steve Willis didn’t miss a beat and began counting. Moore wriggled from beneath Lacy and to hop back in the ring first, at which point Willis called the fight. Ultimately however, Moore was awarded the win by way of disqualification.

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