Tyson Fury’s Legal Team Couldn’t Prove Wild Boar Claims

Water Getting Hotter for Tyson Fury

Tyson Fury
Tyson Fury

Water Getting Hotter for Tyson Fury

When Martin Carefoot, a UK farmer, recently came forward to confess that he lied to UKAD on the behalf of Tyson “The Gypsy King” Fury (30-0-1, 21 KO’s), he lit the fuse on a potentially explosive situation. Naturally, the current body of individuals composing Team Fury backed their man.

Remaining calm under the gun, they declared that the allegations were nonsense and merely the inconsequential gibberish a confessed perjurer. Unfortunately for Fury, and his backers, the fresh development was enough for UKAD to relaunch an investigation against Tyson Fury. And as more time passes, the evidence appears to be mounting against the Gypsy King as revealed in a rather damning article published by the Daily in the UK.


The incident that Mr. Carefoot is referencing took place back in 2015, in connection to Fury’s fight with Christian Hammer. When UKAD initially launched an investigation as to why Fury had an excessive amount of nandrolone in his system, Carefoot was the lynchpin of his defense. Team Fury maintained that The Gypsy King had eaten tainted wild boar which he had received from Martin Carefoot’s stock.

The trouble with this is even Fury’s own legal team could not prove that Mr. Carefoot supplied any of the wild boar in question! In exchange for financial compensation, Carefoot would agree to deceive the anti-doping investigation team. The first order of things to do was supply a letter stating what his role was in providing Team Fury with the meat.

He would provide the letter in question to Morgan Sport Law, by way of Ashif Patel, who represented the Gypsy King at the time. Patel was an influential member, and one time director, of Fury Promotions Limited.

Within Morgan Sport Law, Henry Goldschmidt was who personally dealt with the letter, along with all the back and forth communications with Mr. Carefoot. Yet, other than providing the letter and verbally saying that he provided Team Fury with the tainted meat, Carefoot was hard-pressed to present any tangible evidence that such transactions occurred. Even worse, he could not prove that he even had any wild boar on his property.

After a thorough investigation, Fury’s own defense team could not bring forth any substantial evidence or documentation that Mr. Carefoot supplied Team Fury with any of the meat they alleged. Before Mr. Carefoot was required to testify to these events in person however, UKAD and Team Fury struck a deal to work out a resolution with no further formal proceedings.


Frank Warren, one of the Gypsy King’s current co-promoters, has questioned why we should listen to Carefoot’s claim because he is a confessed liar. However, one could also question why he would come forward now. As he claims, he was swindled out of his promised money by Team Fury five years ago and there is no financial incentive for him to shine new light on the situation at this point. If anything, he might face adverse legal ramifications himself.

Yet, whether he was lying then or he is lying now, there is no doubt that members of Team Fury’s management and legal team have been in extensive contact with Mr. Carefoot. And Mr. Carefoot’s input was definitely a major portion of the original UKAD investigation. It seems Fury’s sole rationale just went up in smoke. Now with the inquiries being reopened, it will be extremely interesting to see what Fury has to say now.

Stay tuned to 3kingsboxing for all the latest boxing news and updates.

By: Bakari Simpson

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About Bakari S.3202 Articles
Bakari is a Senior Writer for 3kingsboxing.com. Visit cheetahhead.com to view more of his literary work.