JBC and JPBA Resume Boxing In May!

Japan Set To Re-Open Boxing In May

JBC logo and JPBA logo
JBC logo and JPBA logo

Japan Set To Re-Open Boxing In May

When it comes to how the sport of boxing responded to what is now the COVID-19/coronavirus worldwide pandemic, Japan was one of the earliest countries to react swiftly to the crisis. The Japanese Boxing Commission (JBC) and the Japan Professional Boxing Association (JPBA) placed a suspension on the sport in late February for March and through April.

Now it looks as if the action in the ring is set to return in the land of the rising sun. According to Asian Boxing, on March 23 the JBC and JPBA have decided to resume all boxing activities starting in May, with May 2nd set as the target date.

There will be guidelines that promoters will have to adhere to including temperature checks at venues for upcoming fights, banning fight day ticket sales, and prohibiting the sale of standing tickets.

This move is, of course, being done under the condition that the COVID-19 pandemic doesn’t increase.


Two thoughts come to mind in reaction to this decision. On one hand, it’s good to hear news of actual fights happening inside of the ring. But the question must also be asked: is the decision sensible and safe?

Keep in mind that on March 25, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) decided to push back the 2020 Tokyo Olympics to 2021 due to concerns about COVID-19. Boxing promoters and athletic commissions across the globe have also decided to postpone events as the sport, for the most part, has been put on freeze due to this worldwide pandemic.

However, it must be noted that this is Japan we’re talking about. When it comes to science, technology, and medicine, the country has always been ahead of the curve.

They were forward-thinking in taking measures responding to this pandemic. Maybe they are equally ahead of things and have found a way to nullify the spread of the virus so that the sport can continue fully.

It will be interesting to see how this move impacts boxing on the rest of the world. Could other countries look at what Japan has decided and follow suit? At this point, it’s a wait and see.

By: Michael Wilson Jr.

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About Mike W.2164 Articles
Mike is the host of boxing podcast "Pound 4 Pound Boxing Report" and is a Senior Writer for 3kingsboxing.com.