Hearn On Frank Warren: “We’ll Talk, But I’m Not Willing To Play Friends”

Eddie Hearn speaks on Frank Warren

Eddie Hearn (left), Frank Warren
Eddie Hearn (left), Frank Warren

Eddie Hearn speaks on Frank Warren

It has often been said that ‘business can make for strange bed fellows’; this is exactly the head space that Frank Warren of Queensberry Promotions is in. For many years, Warren has shared a very combative and cantankerous relationship with rival promoter Eddie Hearn of Matchroom Boxing.

Short of the deadly COVID-19 pandemic, all signs indicate that their relationship would never have evolved. Yet, the virus did descend upon the world wreaking havoc in its chaotic wake. Stripping boxing events of the live audience was one of the most detrimental effects that it had on the sport. Denied the revenue provided by the gate, promoters have been struggling to cope with the lost funds. As a result, Frank Warren has seen the benefit of turning old foe, Eddie Hearn, into a new ally. But has Hearn come to the same realization?


For his part, Frank Warren fully admits that he and Hearn have had a turbulent past. He also is forthright about not being in the best place with him now. However, for Warren, elevating the sport is more important than maintaining their unofficial feud. This is certainly great news. Although, it does not appear that Hearn is quite on the same page following a brief interview with Seconds Out.

“The whole Frank Warren stuff is interesting, it’s quite confusing really. When you get on top and you overcome that, why the fuck would you go, ‘actually why don’t I help you come back to the surface?’ Well we do have an obligation to our fighters to make the best fights possible and to make them the most money. We do have an obligation to fight fans to make great fights and we have an obligation to our broadcaster.”

So, if, if, if any fights that get made or collaboration are good for Matchroom, our fighters and our broadcasters, we will consider it. If not, I don’t really see why we should to be honest. I’m not trying to be arrogant, not trying to have a big ego but I worked my bollocks off for ten years to become number one. I’ve spent time away from the family, I’ve traveled all over the world, I was fucking probably on the verge of a heart attack a few times! So it ain’t a charity where we just go, ‘actually don’t worry about everything in the past, come on, up you come with us again.’

But I am going to have the conversation. We should have more dialogue because it’s quite strange that we’ve never spoken. So that’s progress in itself but, and I don’t mean to be arrogant about helping him out and giving them a leg up. But I have worked hard to get in this position, so I am not willing to roll over and just play friends.”


It’s good to hear that Hearn and Warren are finally ready and willing to have a discourse. However, they clearly they have a long road ahead! Let’s hope that when tensions dissipate a bit that the boxing world will be gifted many great UK match-ups! Time will tell the tale.

By: Bakari Simpson

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About Bakari S.3199 Articles
Bakari is a Senior Writer for 3kingsboxing.com. Visit cheetahhead.com to view more of his literary work.