McKinson: “I’m Built For This; I’m Excited To Fight Ortiz In His Backyard!”

McKinson Looking Forward to Serving Ortiz his First Loss!

Michael McKinson looks forward to fighting Vergil Ortiz at home
Michael McKinson (L, Credit: James Chance/Getty Images), Vergil Otiz Jr (Credit: Facebook)

Michael McKinson Plans to Show Up Vergil Ortiz in his Own Backyard!

In his next tour of duty, UK born welterweight Michael McKinson (22-0, 2 KO’s) will stage the biggest fight of his career. This is due to his facing red hot 147-contender Vergil Ortiz Jr (18-0, 18 KO’s). The bout, to be fought in the Dickies Arena located in Texas, will also stand as only his second match contested in the US. Despite the magnitude of the prizefight, McKinson is very eager to show the world why he earned this shot for himself in the first place. In a recent media roundtable, McKinson went into a bit greater detail on the matter.

“Undefeated fighters are hungry, they’re hungry and they’re proud. They’re hungry people and not only have I taken undefeated records before, I’ve taken undefeated records in their backyard! […] I’ve gone into hostility to do it. I know this is on a bigger scale, coming to Texas, fighting Vergil Ortiz in his backyard. So it’s going to be hostile but I am built for this, I am built different!

If people looked into my rise and my record from early on, I’ve taken gambles to go to people’s backyards and defied the odds and come out victorious. Fight these young, hungry fighters, at a lower level granted, and now I’ll probably get to do it [against] the young fighter that is tipped for super stardom in Vergil Ortiz. He’s a great young fighter, the whole world is watching him right now. So yeah, I’m excited to come fight him in his backyard.”

Provided that McKinson can pull off the upset, he will radically restructure his position in the sport. Currently he holds the respectable standings of #5 (WBO) and #10 (WBA). Yet a victory would more than likely greatly advance his ranking. Still, only time will tell how everything plays out. Let’s wait and see what happens on fight night.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

By: Bakari Simpson

Featured Article: Vergil Ortiz Jr.: “All The People Doubting Me Are Being Really Stupid”

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