Tribute to Rafael Garcia & Ferdie Pacheco

When Legends Pass Away

Boxing is far more than just two men in the ring battling for a belt. It’s more than just an arena filled with cheers and boos from a crowd hoping their fighter wins. More than just ring walks and the back and forth debates of who will win and why. It’s more than just the butterflies in the stomach of the fighters as well as the fans.

Boxing is an art form on every level from interviews to breakdowns, to the guys responsible for getting the fighters ready. Today we have lost yet another monumental figure of the sport that is so rich and filled with history. This comes one day after the loss of one such figure. Ferdie Pacheco aka The Fight Doctor & Rafeal Garcia was reminders of an era of boxing that many consider the golden age. Both men pure legends and the effect they had on the fighters and the sport will never be replaced.

Pacheco worked the corner of some of the best including “The Greatest”, Ali, as well as his witty interviews with guys like Prince Hameed. It was his work as a commentator along side Al Bernstein where listening to him break down a fight. Made the fight worth watching even if you didn’t know who the fighters were you knew to pay attention.

Rafael Garcia world famous cutman who always had a smile on his face was well known for making sure fighters hands were protected. He had a skill that could never be duplicated and respected throughout the boxing community by past & present stars like Duran and Mayweather. No fighter ever complained about there hands hurting and every fighter would fight to have him work their corner.

These two great men made an impact on boxing that went beyond just the ring and they contributed to the lives of millions of fans. By making sure all of us as fans were educated and the fighters were ready the unknown heroes of the sport. They were true masters of their respected crafts and will be remembered in the whispers in the shadows of this great sport. R.I.P. Ferdie Pacheco & Rafael Garcia and thank you for the wonderful memories.

By: Bo Bland

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