Jermell Charlo Regains WBC Title; Stops Harrison In Eleven!

Jermell Charlo Regains WBC Title!

Jermell Charlo
Jermell Charlo

Jermell Charlo reclaims glory in a stoppage win over Tony Harrison!

The animosity WBC champion Tony Harrison (28-2, 21KO) and former champion Jermell Charlo (32-1, 16KO) have for one another is 100% real. This led to their rematch being one of the most anticipated bouts of 2019!

From a controversial unanimous decision in their first meeting that saw Harrison take the WBC strap and the ‘O’ from Charlo, to a perceived fake injury that postponed the immediate rematch, the build-up to this fight had boxing fans all over the world waiting to see what the fight would bring!

There is no way any fan (other than a fan who hates or likes a particular fighter) could have been upset after seeing this one!


Charlo was not playing around! As the opening bell sounded, he charged across the ring and attempted to land a huge right hook. This immediately made this writer believe that all the pre-fight antics may have gotten under the skin of the former champion and caused him to be wrapped up in his emotions.

He continued throughout the round looking like he wanted to kill Harrison. He kept winging big shots, looking wild and untamed.

Meanwhile, Harrison kept his composure as he stayed on the outside capitalizing on his eager opponent with counter shots.

However, the champ would find himself in trouble staying too long in the pocket in an attempt to counter in round two. He would get caught with a left/right hook combination as he tried get out of the pocket but it was too late!

The combination would that put him on the canvas but he was able to recover quickly.


That knockdown had Charlo on cloud nine! It seemed he felt the extra aggression he was applying would be the right game-plan. However, the lack of him utilizing his jab and just winging shots was clearly not the best strategy.

Harrison is smart enough to adjust, athletic enough to elude and defensive enough to block most of the incoming shots.

For the majority of the middle rounds, Harrison was in charge! He found that Charlo was vulnerable to the body and exhibited A+ body work that seemed to keep the former champion at bay! Not only did Charlo slow down, but he neglected utilizing his jab to setup combinations which made it harder to get to his foe.

Instead, you saw the former champion peddling backwards, occasionally jumping in throwing shots that Harrison would catch on his elbows, forearms and gloves, taking some nice shots to the body, then jumping back out.

Additionally, Harrison would walk his opponent down behind a piston-like jab and put him against the ropes at times. Contrary to the live punch stats, Harrison seemed to be in full control as Charlo gave him the opportunity to get comfortable.


Going into the championship rounds, it seemed Harrison may be on his way to a repeat performance. He did well up to this point dictating the pace of the fight, exhibiting better ring generalship and he had the better defense between the two.

However, something seemed not quite right! In round ten, the champion seemed to look uneasy catching shots. With each shot he caught, he would display a quirky maneuver with his body while back-peddling behind a shell defense without returning fire.

It was hard to tell if he was hurt (no big shots were landing flush) or if he was playing around with Charlo. Whatever it was, he seemed to have just given the former champion that round.

Then in round eleven, he would be in the pocket too long again and get caught with a left hook to the body, followed by a left hook flush on the chin! Harrison was visibly hurt as he wobbled with his back to the ropes.

Charlo would charge in and land a combination to drop the champ for the second time in the fight. Harrison would get back to his feet but was visibly staggered as he didn’t seem to follow the instructions of referee Jack Reese to take steps forward.

Nevertheless, the championship caliber referee let the fight continue. Charlo immediately charged in and dropped the champ again. This time, Harrison slithered down the ropes like a snake!

Reese could have stopped it here, but understanding that he had to give the champion an opportunity to fight for his title, he started the count. Meanwhile, Charlo started to celebrate, standing on the top ropes like a wrestler taunting the crowd.

But it was not over yet as Harrison got back to his feet again!

It didn’t take long to finish the job! Charlo would charge in again, pin Harrison up against the ropes and tee-off! Reese had seen enough at this point and stepped in as Harrison screamed in dismay “No! No!”

Realistically, Reese gave Harrison more opportunities than most referees would so the stoppage was absolutely justified!

At the time knockout, two judges had Charlo ahead while we at had Harrison ahead 95-94!


An ecstatic Charlo claimed that 2020 would be a big year. When asked if the beef was squashed, he stated it was a good fight but he doesn’t like his adversary and would fight him again.

Meanwhile, an emotionally deflated Harrison reciprocated those sentiments.

Therefore, we may possibly see a trilogy down the line!

By: EJ Williams

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EJ WIlliams - Owner/Editor-in-Chief/Site Architect EJ is the owner of as well as the editor-in-chief, site-architect and writer. Follow on Twitter: @3kingsboxing Instagram: @3kingsboxing